Thursday, July 24, 2008

Quest: The Killing Word [Lvl 42] [Group]

This quest is initiated by speaking with Fara Gallow in the chunk of Plains of Anguish(-29, 27)located at (-61496, 70412, 35641), in Havens Edge. You must complete the quest Investigate the Brotherhood before this quest will become available.

Fara Gallow says, "My sister and I have plenty of money left over from the period of prosperity we experienced Lord Talfyn, so we can pay you for your services. Those "Divine Brotherhood" men are a threat to our village, and must be eliminated."

"They seem to be quite mad as well. They want to kill undead creatures, but they seem to think that everyone is undead! Maybe if I can examine some of their training materials, we can find out what is making these people this way."

Quest Objectives:

- Find the Brotherhood Operating Manual
- Return to Fara Gallow

Fara Gallow says, "You've done it! I hope it wasn't too difficult to acquire one of these manuals."

Fara Gallow says, "It's worse than I thought. The Divine Brotherhood seeks the extermination of all undead creatures as well as all humans that carry what they call the "undead disease"...they see everyone who is not in the Brotherhood as a disease carrier. I am more sure than ever that they must be stopped."

Reward: 12s

The brotherhood operating manual appears to drop off any brotherhood member. I myself retrieved it from the body of a dead Brotherhood Priest from the Divine Grasp area. -Kazander

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